Technology Consulting to help Private Equity Firms improve their Investments
ConsultingInternet Dynamics is a boutique consulting firm, leveraging our experience and expertise in the role of CTO and as a hands-on technology executive in a variety of startups and industries.
Our Private Equity clients typically call on us for the following types of work,
for both transactional and operational engagements.
Before you invest in a company, you always do due diligence to validate your financial, personnel, and technical assumptions. You evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the company and the opportunities and threats that face it. You have a plan for what needs to change to make the company more valuable. But are those plans, the promised results, and the timeframes realistic? Hire a hands-on former CTO to give deep and insightful opinions of the feasibility of the proposed plans.
After you invest in a company, you are busy with pursuing the next opportunity. Who is following up to see that the recent companies you invested in are implementing their promised plans successfully? Fortunately you know a hands-on former CTO who is available to follow up, advise, and perhaps assist where necessary to ensure that your investments are implementing their technology promises according to schedule.
You are working with the great people in the companies you have invested in. Sometimes you would like to do a technology strategy review or you want to introduce a new angle to their strategy. You have a hands-on former CTO at your side before, during, and after those discussions to help your assessments and suggestions carry the most weight.
As you review your portfolio of company investments, you may realize that you don't know why some of them haven't delivered according to plan. There may be lots of technical reasons given as to why things are different than expected. You need someone objective to get involved and advise you and suggest alternative ideas. You send in a hands-on former CTO who can dig in, understand the technical details, and put you on an even footing technically with the people you invested in.
Founder and Lead Consultant
Current Investor, Former CTO in several companies
MIT B.S. '84, MIT M.S. '86,
Georgetown MBA '93
"I built my career on building technology solutions and technology teams for startup and growing companies."
"So when I take the perspective of an investor, I know what is possible and what is reasonable. My judgment and my intuition are informed by experience, not wishful thinking." -- Stephen Adkins
Internet Dynamics is a holding company for our own investments in a set of technology companies. We are not merely consultants who help others invest well. We also are investors.
One of these investments,
is a software development services company with a broad range of experience.
is especially strong at helping their clients implement Mobile Apps connected to cloud services.
When we are asked to assist our clients with their software development needs in a variety of areas, we may bring in DBFoundry.
Internet Dynamics is also an Intellectual Property Holding Company. It owns software suites and libraries that power Mobile Apps, Web Apps, Server-side Data Processing, Group-based Collaboration, Image Processing, 3D Scene Viewing, and Virtual Reality. This IP can be licensed, in certain cases quite liberally, to accelerate the solution-building that DBFoundry can perform for its clients.
Internet Dynamics also commissions and cultivates a portfolio of mobile apps, addressing a diverse set of both consumer and commercial needs.
Some examples apps include:
Sales Management and Forecasting
Small Business Project Coordination and Communication
Virtual Reality Content Production and Sharing
Aquarium Fish Identification and Care
Personal Spiritual Growth